



We are Utah's premier hot yoga destination. Join us for the best in all things hot yoga. 26&2, Inferno Hot Pilates, Infinite Flow Vinyasa, Yin - all classes taught by world class instructors. Offering the best in the industry experience, both beginners and advanced practitioners will be challenged, motivated, and healed through the SALT experience.

** Only 30 spots available **


Our instructors know their stuff and care deeply about your experience. We do our best to ensure that you have an intense, fun and challenging workout every time. 


The traditional set series. 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. A combination of strength, balance, and meditation. A challenging class for all: accessible for beginners with no yoga experience, while challenging for the most disciplined and advanced practitioner. 60 and 90 minute classes available.

Inferno Hot Pilates

A high intensity workout but low impact using Pilates principles. A combination of Pilates and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). An intense full body workout designed to strengthen core and glute muscles while increasing flexibility, and improving overall health. 45-minute class.

Infinite Flow Vinyasa

Feel the flow and go! A class combining breath and postures sequenced in an infinite flow. The fluidity of vinyasa with the intensity of the perfect SALT heat. 60-minute class.


Slow down, relax, and rejuvenate. Our Yin classes incorporate the principles of Chinese medicine with postures that are held for longer amounts of time. Relax your body and mind, stretch your muscles and connective tissues, and restore your well being! 60-minute class.

Intro Month Special

$49 For the First Month

Now's the time to start moving! Get started today!